How to Take Care of A Puppy
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Dogs are man’s best friend, and they are an excellent way to make the house feel more full and fun. Besides this, they are great for encouraging you to exercise, and your kids will also benefit from having a furry friend by their side.
Because there are many types of pet dogs, not every experience will be the same. So, even if you’ve had a dog before, it’s useful to know how to take care of a new puppy to make sure they can enjoy the very best life in your home.
Puppy-Proof Your Home
Puppies are just like small children. When they first arrive at your house, they will be curious but also clumsy. They will want to explore as much as possible, but this also puts them at risk, especially if you haven’t properly puppy-proof your home before their arrival.
There are plenty of vet recommendations to consider when you look for the best ways to protect your puppy and your home. Sharp objects or hazardous foods like garlic should be kept well out of the way. Likewise, if you have a staircase, make sure you block this off with a gate the keep them from climbing up and not being able to get down.
While they are being house-trained, put down puppy pads and train them to do their business there, so your floors are protected.
Know What They Need 
All dogs are a little different. Whether you’re getting a dog from Australian cobberdog breeders or adopting one from a shelter, you’ll need to ask about dietary needs and other essentials, including exercise, toys, and more.
It’s always important to do your research before getting a dog, as this will help you give them everything they need. Some dogs need a lot of exercise, especially historically working dogs like huskies or German Shepherds. Smaller dogs don’t always need as much exercise, but you’ll still need to work out a routine for walks and play around the house.
Introduce Them to Other Dogs
You will also need to make sure you socialise your puppy so they become familiar with other dogs and even other people. Most dogs are happy to play and wrestle with the dogs they meet at the park, and you can take this opportunity to teach them essentials like recall and similar control practices.
Not only will this ensure your dog is obedient, but it will also ensure their safety and the safety of other dogs. The more familiar they are with all kinds of dogs and people they meet while out and about, the more confident and comfortable you will be taking them out. However, make sure you wait until they have had all their shots to prevent any illnesses.
When to Start Training a Puppy
Puppies are adorable creatures but they don’t really produce adorable feelings when they are out ripping your things to shreds. You need to be able to communicate your displeasure about your puppy’s act and dog training is the only way to affect that communication properly.
You need to make sure that you move a puppy to its permanent home before it is eight weeks old or else getting it to move will be hard. Puppies have to first acclimatize themselves to a particular home before any form of training starts. Puppies are usually afraid of new things when they are between ten and twelve weeks old
Your puppy will definitely not understand if you hit it when you find it chewing a household item, instead, pick up what it is tearing to shreds and in a stern voice, tell them ‘no’ to communicate your displeasure to it.
Don’t make the mistake of waiting till your puppy grows up a bit before you start training them because grown up dogs are usually hard to train. Puppies that aren’t trained before they get to a particular age may not be pliable to training. You need to make sure that you start training your puppy at the right time to prevent frustrations.
Training is basically all about understanding the language of your pup and teaching it to understand your own language. Puppy training is the perfect blending of your needs and your pup’s needs.
Training your puppy requires a substantial amount of patience to make it successful and the first eight weeks of a puppy’s life is crucial because they are its formative years. Puppies that are cuddled and petted during the first eight weeks of their lives grow up psychologically and emotionally fine. Dogs that are problematic in nature most likely never had all the physical contact they needed in their early developmental stages.
Puppy Health Care
Puppies need greater amounts of protein, fat and carbohydrates than adult dogs. Furthermore, puppies need more frequent feeding schedules in a day, unlike an adult dog. The movement based requirements of diet are more in the case of puppies, since they are often more active than the adult dogs.
Best Friend
There’s a reason so many people want to get a dog above all other types of animals. They are fun and friendly, and they will quickly become an important family member. If you get a puppy, make sure you remember these crucial tasks to make sure they are safe and happy in their new home.